Can you please clean Supervisor PW an ME for me?
do i have to flash the Winbond Chip as well?
NM-B931 Vers 1.0
Tank you in Advance
Hello there,
I somebody to clean my bios/ EC from Supervisorpassword and Computrace, please.
Typ: Lenovo L580 20LX
Serial: PF-1PLKW2
MB: NM_B461 Ver. 1.0
EC: ITE8996E-256
Thank You in Advance
Selam ,
Dell laptop ile ilgili Sifre sorunu yasiyorum.
Laptopun ana kartindan ve modelinden sizlere resim atiyorum.
Bios chipini degistirmeme ragmen Bios Pass silemedim.
Yardiminiza ihtiyacim var.
Would someone be able to extract the password out of this file ?
Last time we tried removing the password from the file but that did not work because the laptop wont turn on after the removal.
Is it possible to get the password and send it to me ?
I need a working bios for the X133J r2.2 laptop Alldocube GT Book 13,
Can anyone help me on this matter? there is nothing on the manufacturer's website
SL KBL-R A00 17810-1 28JF7
the computer stuck only fan and black screen.I pressed D then screen white red blue different color then black again.Also wrote some bios from dr bios and others but still same
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