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Basic Electronic Resistor-Part 2

Oktay Nikpey

Staff member


This is the second video of basic electronics which is about analyzing resistors and resistances of their different types.
In this video you'll see these concepts bellow:
-performances of different resistors on the circuit
-how to calculate 4 and 5 color band resistors
-standard types of resistors
-how to place resistors as series or parallel and also their differences

This is a basic and prerequisite video for repairing laptop and mobile devices, and in which I tried to talk about the necessary things that a repairman should know to be able to repair devices even better than before.
And as understanding the basic electronics would be very useful for advanced concepts and professional laptop also mobile repairing, make sure not miss any of the related videos!
Stay with us to learn basic to advanced electronics :)


  • Basic_Electronic_Resistor-Part2.part1.rar
    500 MB · Views: 140
  • Basic_Electronic_Resistor-Part2.part2.rar
    112.7 MB · Views: 120




Hello. It appears that this video is not dubbed to English. Are there plans to make an English dubbed version of this video?
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