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Tutorial Videos How To Repair Laptop AC Adapter-Part 2

Hosein Asadolahi

Staff member


Producing part 2 of “how to repair adaptors” was a real joy for us because we got many great contents out of it. On the other hand showing you the components’ function on the circuit in a principled way was very exciting for the technical team as well.

these concepts are shown in the video:
function of diode bridges and AC circuits and convertors
Introduction of role and function of diode bridge on switching power circuit
How to test diode bridges in laptop adaptor
General introduction of switching circuit and the reason of their creation.
Testing diode bridge practically by applying AC voltage out of the circuit
Checking AC and DC voltages' wave shape after conversion with oscilloscope
Checking positive and negative cycle of signals with oscilloscope
Showing how to make diode bridge and important matters in making it
Introduction of NTC and its function on circuit
Checking capacitor function and how to detect their failure on circuit

‌This 39 minute video is produced by technical team. Watch it as many times as you wish and don't forget to comment...

Video Size: 1.2 GB
Video Time: 39:00 min
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Cde Tefo



Really loved watching this video, subtitle at a time till I finish a 12 minute one, looking forward to watching the rest of this video. It really opened my mind and strengthened my knowledge of some components.

Thank You very much!

Cde Tefo



I hope you had detailed Part 3 of this series. I believe I will eventually join your premium in time. You are even giving quality lectures for free. Thank you very May Allah continue blessing you Alhamdulillah
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